Mother Cabrini Shrine: Needed Now More Than Ever

Mother Cabrini Shrine: Needed Now More Than Ever

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini once said this prayer: Fortify me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit and give Your peace to my soul that I may be free from all needless anxiety and worry.    Well now, in 2020, Colorado’s Mother Cabrini Shrine is providing a place...
Sharon & her son never imagined becoming homeless… or discovering a deep strength and faith to overcome it

Sharon & her son never imagined becoming homeless… or discovering a deep strength and faith to overcome it

After 20 months of being homeless, Sharon and her 12-year-old son Tre once again have a place of their own and the stability and security that comes with that home. Now that they don’t have to worry about where they are going to sleep at night, they are now...
Mother Cabrini Shrine recognizes those who emulate Saint Frances Cabrini

Mother Cabrini Shrine recognizes those who emulate Saint Frances Cabrini

Mother Cabrini Shrine is a one-of-a-kind place in Colorado where people visit daily to experience peace and comfort.  People from all over the state.. and the world.. come to hike, pray and reflect and in doing so, become a bit closer to God and experience his loving...