Strengthen Your Story, Elevate Your Impact
When I tell your story, I’ll be boosting your mission, engaging your community, educating others, and advocating for your gifts. Through your story, your organization becomes known. And your experience can be the teacher we all might need.
If you have a positive story, the community needs to hear it. And, with more and more people moving to Colorado every day, your story will be refreshed with an endless and expanding audience.
Stories connect communities. Stories that highlight the good around us resonate with and engage people.
This is what can make a profound impact on community. I seek out and tell these stories.
My gift is my ability to listen. I will hear your words, connect with you, and identify what will ignite passion in others. Allow me to tell the story that needs to be told and be the legs it needs to journey far beyond the confines of your circle.
Contact me to get started
News from Kyle
Step Up Westminster… Stop the Spread
With the amount of COVID-19 cases on the rise in the Denver area, specifically in Adams and Jefferson Counties, the City of Westminster decided it needed to amplify its message to the community in order to stop the spread of the pandemic. Westminster located community...
First Monday of October in Colorado is now .. Cabrini Day
For the first time ever, the first Monday of October is a Colorado state holiday in honor of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. This follows the passage of the Frances Xavier Cabrini House Bill 20-1031 in the Colorado Legislature and then, Governor Jared Polis signing the...
Catholic Charities Shelters & Supports Hundreds of Homeless Women During Pandemic
The Kyle Dyer Storytelling team is profoundly grateful to have been given access to the Denver Coliseum during the COVID-19 pandemic to witness and share the stories of homeless women who had a safe and secure place to stay at a very uncertain time. Women like Mesa...